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Technical data: Fliewatüüt
Type: Allround-Fahrzeug
Construction: hubschrauberähnlich
Computer: Abakus
Sublight drive: zu Lande, zu Wasser und in der Luft
Reactor Power: Himbeersaft bzw. Lebertran
Crew: Robbi und Tobbi
Manufacturer: Eigenbau


  • Name: The name of de class is to be noted here when it is not the same as the article title. If left blank, the name will be taken over automatically. As articles in the English wiki are named EN:<German Title>, this should always be entered.
  • Year of First Launch: The year the first of the ships in this class was launched.
  • Type: Type of Spaceship (Spherical, Cilindrical ...) or Space Station.
  • Size: Indicator of ship size, for example the diameter or length over longest axis.
  • Volume: Total volume in m3.
  • Construction: Details about the design, method of construction, materials and visible additions outside the hull.
  • Mass: The total mass of the spaceship in metric tons (1000kg=1ton).
  • Lifting capabilities: Maximum carrying abilities in Tons.
  • Computer: Typ of computer on board.
  • STL Drive: Slower than light propulsion systems.
  • Engine power: Power of the STL drive in Newton.
  • Acceleration: Maximum acceleration of the STL drives in km/sec2.
  • STL max %c: Maximum speed in % of c attainable with the drive.
  • FTL Drive: FTL Drive used.
  • FTL factor: Maximum speed the FTL can obtain, expressed in c.
  • Range: Range of the FTL drive in lightyears.
  • Weapons: Offensive weapon systems.
  • Defenses: Defensive systems like Defensive screens, Armor etc.
  • Energy use: How much energy the craft needs.
  • Reactor Power: Total output of the reactors and generators powering the ship.
  • Parasite craft: Summary of the parasite craft, Escape pods etc.
  • Carrying capacity: List of larger ships carried. Only for carriers.
  • Specialities: Enter any special notes here.
  • Crew: Total crew of this ship, landing troops and crew of parasite craft, crew of parasite craft counted seperately.
  • Manufacturer
  • Construction costs
  • First of class: First ship of the class to be completed.
  • Risszeichnung (oder Risszeichnungen): Link(s) zu einer oder mehreren Risszeichnungen.
  • Datenblatt (oder Datenblätter): Link(s) zu einem oder mehreren Datenblättern.
  • float: Tabelle links, rechts oder ohne Textumfluss anzeigen (Standard = none)
  • width: Breite (Standard = 60%).